What inspires me in life

What inspires me in life

What is the one, two, or multiple, or maybe just one thing that inspires you in life that affects your everyday decisions, the paths you take, and the mindset you carry on throughout your life?

Everyone has a passion and purpose that inspires them. When you find your goal, you light up and reach your highest self. 

What inspires me, to live, to continue, to grow?

A significant factor, of what inspires me in life, is my own mother. My mom, is someone who has been with me through all of my struggles but also best moments of my life.

She is the person I look up to most, so each piece of advice, she gives me, I take very deeply.

I look up to my mom

She has told me what to do, with people, with certain situations. I look up to her, because I see how she copes, with each thing put in her way. Each word she does, and each thing she says, inspires me, to live like her.

Why does she so deeply inspire me?

My mom, at the age 42, is in college. Because she did not give up, she went to a college, where then she had realized, this what isn’t she wants to do for a full time job.

And so, as a mother, a woman who does other jobs than just her main, decided to go to college. I was very proud of that moment, and from that moment, she had inspired me for life, that is is never too late to pursue our dreams.

Having an inspiration..

Having an inspiration, can help a lot moving forward in life, no matter what stage of this life you are in.

Without an inspiration, we can loose a sense, of life. A need of life, or wanting to live or continue, doing the things we do on a daily basis, as we’ve lost the will to live. I think, no matter how you are, or where you are, everyone has something or someone that inspires them, and that will stay forever.

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