B. Fletcher, is a woman, I enjoy listening to, on my tiktok for you page.
I find her words, and videos inspirational and moving, I had written down, some of my favorite quotes she had said in her videos. And wanted to expand more on them, and what they might be referring to.
Her quotes, are diverse, they can fetch from mental health, to simple mindset guides, telling her viewers to for example, that “remember, its okay, to not be okay, but it is never okay to suffer in silence.” Which definetly, may have really gotten, to a lot of her viewers.
Its better to walk in the rain alone, then pair up and be miserable.
In my opinion, this can refer, to many situations. From relationships, to even friendships, family etc. She is telling us, how its better to be alone, get through something alone that maybe might be hard for us, than to spend our days, waste our time, with someone, just to pair up, just to be miserable.
Today I decided to forgive you, not because you deserved it, but because my soul needed peace.
I really like this quote, my mom had said something very similar to me before, talking to me about forgiveness. It refers to the fact how, maybe not always does the person that has hurt us, wether emotionally, physically, deserves to be forgiven. It heals our soul, grants us peace.
Staying with a grudge, for a long time, can destroy us from the inside, instead, like how B. Fletcher is saying, forgive, because your soul, may really need, the peace.
Stop sitting around and waiting to die, because its going to sneak up on you, before you realize it. Get busy living, YES! live before you die.
The way I intepretate this quote is rather straight forward, just like she says, she is telling us, to stop wasting our precious days, to not waste it on sitting around, on waiting for death to come. As death is something we can never predict, it may come upon us at the most unexpected moment. However, that doesn’t mean to sit around, or sulk, LIVE. Get busy simply living, live your life to the fullest, each and every day, as we never know when the day of our death may come, live, before you die.
The day I stopped looking for you, was the day found myself.
The way I understand this, is sometime,s we search for people. Wether it is someone who has passed, and we cannot get over the fact they are no longer with us. Or wether it is someone alive, someones we no longer recognise, wether it be under the whole new personality, new friends, new lifestyle. We search, for a friend that has left our life, a partner that it didn’t work out with.
We search, however sometimes, in between that searching, instead of finding them, we loose ourselves.
The moment we stop searching for them, for a person we have to learn to let go, a person we have to stop chasing, stop looking for. We find ourselves, once more, or maybe now, for the first time.
In order to see the best in others, you must find the best in you.
For me, this quote is meaning, the fact, that before, we begin to try finding, the best in others. Trying to search for the goodness, the amazing qualities, we have to start with ourselves. We have to first, find the best in ourselves, to then find the best, in others.